Surgical instruments are one of our specialties
The industrial design of surgical instruments requires a range of skills and experience to create a product that is easy and intuitive to use, even in stressful situations. Held+Team is your competent partner with more than 25 years of experience. In the following sections you will learn more about the design for surgical instruments and the variety of instruments that we design according to the needs of the users.

Industrial design for surgical instruments - disposable und reusable
A factor that must always be considered in industrial design for surgical and laparoscopic instruments is the sterility of the products. All instruments must be sterilized to prevent contamination of the body parts to be treated. Therefore, much of the industrial design of surgical instruments and laparoscopic instruments revolves around the use of disposable instruments. Since these can only be used once, it is important to achieve a good balance between manufacturing costs and excellent satisfaction of user needs right at the beginning of the development process.
An alternative to disposable instruments are reusable surgical instruments and laparoscopic instruments. These can be hygienically processed and reused. This property poses a challenge for the industrial design of surgical instruments and laparoscopic instruments. In order to ensure 100% reusability and safety in use, these must have a guaranteed quality for a certain time or number of uses.
When working in industrial design for surgical instruments and laparoscopic instruments, we always pay attention to outstanding usability in order to best meet user requirements.
Industrial design for minimally invasive laparoscopic instruments and instruments for open surgery
In addition to distinguishing between disposable and reusable surgical instruments, these can be divided according to their purpose into instruments for open surgery and instruments for minimally invasive, laparoscopic surgery. If the area to be operated on is opened by incisions so that it is visible from the outside, this is referred to as "open surgery". If only small incisions are made through which endoscopes and instruments are inserted, this is referred to as laparoscopic, endoscopic or "keyhole" surgery. The latter has the advantage that only small scars remain, which heal better and faster than the rather long incisions of an open operation. The ergonomic requirements for the two applications differ significantly, since open surgery allows a direct view of the surgical field. In the other case, everything must be evaluated via the image on the OR monitor. Also, in the case of laparoscopic surgery, only relatively fine and small manipulations can be achieved with the tools, since these are introduced through small body openings.
We have been able to build up a great deal of experience in both fields over the last few decades, which we are happy to use to support you in the development of your surgical and laparoscopic instruments in order to best adapt them to the specific requirements of the respective user.

Contact us and get more advice on industrial design for surgical instruments
If you are interested in our services in the field of industrial design for surgical instruments and laparoscopic instruments and you would like to combine your products with an extraordinary corporate product design as well as the demands of your users in terms of usability and UX in the best possible way, please do not hesitate to contact us. As an experienced partner for the design of all medical technology products, we have been offering our services exclusively for this business area since 1997. We look forward to your inquiry.
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