Medical trends – News in medical technology
All areas of medicine are experiencing an enormous upheaval due to digitization and the rapid change in technical innovations. Where a few years ago the doctor-patient relationship was the top priority, today it is artificial intelligence, apps and robots that make a significant contribution to keeping the population healthy. Last but not least, the Covid pandemic has shown medical companies, doctors, hospitals and also patients as well as those in need of care what we can expect in the future and what gaps the healthcare system still has to close in terms of technical and digital independence. Trends in medicine and above all in medical technology design have emerged, which will continue to determine a large part of our everyday life in the future. We would now like to present 4 of these medical trends to you.
Dr. Smartphone: telemedicine, eHealth & apps
Telemedicine has been one of the major trends in medicine for several years. Especially since the contact restrictions caused by the pandemic, eHealth apps for doctor consultations and disease diagnoses have become increasingly relevant. During this time, photos, chats and video calls with specialists or your own family physician replaced personal examinations and even on-site treatments. When it comes to saving personnel and time, these methods also hold great opportunities for the future.
Other apps make it possible to constantly monitor, compare and analyze your own vital parameters such as blood pressure, pulse and calorie intake. Self-optimization via smartphone is already a major medical trend in many areas. Not only pre-installed pedometers, trackers & Co., but also smart watches are among the medical heroes of everyday life. Clinical thermometers and smartphone stethoscopes will soon be added to make telemedicine even more intuitive and thereby noticeably improve ergonomics and usability as well as the user experience (UX) in medical technology.

Intelligent implants & sensors: AI in healthcare
Nursing facilities and hospitals are facing ever greater, almost unsolvable challenges. Everywhere there is a lack of staff, time, money and modern technology or their permits to support patient care - instead of praise, nurses receive criticism, as patients often go unnoticed, wet themselves or have other problems that are noticed too late. Intelligent implants and sensors on as well as in the patient are supposed to remedy the situation and show caregivers how the patient is doing using precise measurements.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics go one step further, not only measuring and forwarding the needs and body values of patients, but also adopting the tasks of doctors and nurses based on these measurements. While robotic arms can move patients in bed, other AI assistants ensure efficient route planning within the facilities; the support and symbiosis between people and technology will be indispensable in medical trends of the future.
Nanotechnology: Trend in all medical areas
The smaller, the more accurate, precise and better. Nanotechnology has long since ceased to be one of the innovations in medicine, and yet it is more relevant than ever for the present and the future; In times when surgical interventions are no longer performed by the human hand, but by minimally invasive micro-robotics, research at the micro, no, at the nano level is an important part of medical trends.
Thus nanoparticles play a major role not only in therapy, but also in disease diagnostics. They can be used to detect the smallest changes in genes and cells, which for example is an extremely important prerequisite for the early diagnosis and fight against cancer cells. Nanosensors and nanotransporters could replace dangerous analysis and treatment procedures with gentler and, above all, more efficient procedures.
3D printing on a microscopic level: Will printing organs soon be possible?
Not reality yet, but possibly on the verge: 3D printing has arrived in all branches of industry and medicine is also increasingly using manufacturing processes of this type for prostheses, instruments, etc. Research is already being carried out that enables 3D printing with biological material and should thus ensure that organs, tissue and transplants can soon be printed out easily. Medical innovations of this kind would be an absolute breakthrough!
If you have any further questions on the subject of medical innovations, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to your inquiry.
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