The jury has decided

This was the jury meeting for the iF DESIGN AWARD 2018

The jury meeting in Hamburg from January 23, 2018 to January 25, 2018 was a complete success. Fred Held was invited to be a juror in the Medical Design category for two days in "Schuppen 52" at the port.

Together with the jury colleagues Heinrich Henssler, the managing director of Henssler Schultheiss Design from Schwäbisch Gmünd and Arne Loermann, CCO of BRAGI from Munich, the submissions were evaluated according to high evaluation standards.

It was also interesting to see which judges were invited from other categories. From Japan, for example, Sony's Senior Art Director, Yujin Morisawa, was present. Or Wiebke Braasch from Sweden, designer at IKEA.

More than 200 different submissions from all over the world were appraised, discussed and then evaluated in the group that Fred Held was in. There was extensive discussion in the jury process. Because the jurors naturally had their personal favorites as to which products should qualify for an award.

After the jury groups had decided internally on their selection, all jurors were able to get an overview of the various categories in the huge hall and insert their personal veto. Thanks to the good cooperation and thanks to the trained eye of the international jury, a decision was made within two intensive days as to which submissions should receive the iF DESIGN AWARD 2018.

The winners were announced on March 9, 2018 in Munich at the award ceremony in BMW World. We are happy for all winners!

held+team | The jury has decided

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